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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



As it has rightly been said, “Safety doesn’t happen by accident,” the ethos in the PWS Panini Auditorium on the 18th October, 2019, embodied the same, as an informative session on Cyber Safety was conducted by a pioneering accounting firm, KPMG which is one of the big four accounting organizations, and caters to financial audit, tax, and advisory, and their cyber security awareness initiative is one of their CSR projects.

Moreover, October is internationally recognized as Cyber Security Awareness month, with the Global Cyber Day falling on the 27th of October, thus this time served as the quintessential opportunity to apprise the student body of the perils of the cyber space.

Primarily, the guest of honour, who sent the word of Cyber Safety to the students as well as teachers, was a senior management professional employed at KPMG, Mr. Vikramjeet Singh, who has delivered Cyber & Technology advisory, review, and transformation engagements for clients across industry verticals.

During the interactive session, the guest of honour expounded on six bones of contention on the internet, especially for students: identity theft, misuse of Social Media, threats with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), cyber-attacks, unsafe gaming, and the unwise use of smartphones.

The speaker focused specifically on how these bones of contention could affect the adolescent age group, rather than broaching mere metaphysical ideals of cyber security, so that the audience could have a greater connect and comprehend the gravity of the threats better. Subsequently, the speaker conferred wisdom onto the students with regards to being safe on the internet, with a multitude of ethical and technical tips. With an all-encompassing question-and-answer session following, the professionals assisted the students in understanding the risks of the cyber space and the necessary measures to remain safe.

Conclusively, the student body and faculty of Middle School is extremely grateful to KPMG for educating the students about cyber security with their enriching session, creating more-aware digital literates. This year’s session served as an edifying sequel to previous year’s session, also with KPMG, as now, the understanding of the students is further augmented and reinforced.

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