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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the morning of 5th August 2019, all the Students of Pathways World School, Gurgaon, assembled in the amphitheatre for a Physical Education Assembly. Everyone was sitting according to their houses, proudly sporting their house colours.

The house flags and house t-shirts together materialised a wave of unity and strength like no other. The buzzing chatter of the students came to a standstill as two Primary School students, who were the Emcees for the occasion, commenced the assembly.

The assembly started by celebrating the achievements of a young swimmer from First Grade, named Samira Bhatty. Thereafter, the House Points were shared along with the announcement of the Winning House - the Water House, for the year 2018-19. The Sports Teachers and Coaches, and the House Coordinators were called on stage to be acknowledged for their constant guidance and support. Many cheers and applause followed their steps to the stage.

The Water House Students and Teachers were grinning from ear to ear as the Principal of the Middle School, Ms. Monika Bajaj, recalled and congratulated the winners of the Sports Running Trophy. Water House has been the proud owner of the Running Trophy for two consecutive years! Ms. Bajaj then proceeded to explain the way the house games, sports and events are conducted in School, which help Students garner points in favour of their Houses.

The cumulative points from different sporting events, throughout the Academic Year are tabulated to arrive at the Winning House. Ms. Bajaj motivated all the Houses to aspire to win the Sports Trophy in this Academic Year 2019-20.

The Assembly concluded with the Chal Programme participants receiving certificates for having conquered Everest Base Camp during their Summer Break.

As the Students dispersed after the Assembly, there was a new feeling in the air. It was a sense of determination and the will to do the Houses and the School proud, through a spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork.

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