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Technology - Pathways World School Gurgaon

Beyond Academics

Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.


Technology for 21st Century Learning

Today's children are born at a time when the use of technology is the new normal. To cater to such a generation, present-day schools have a critical need to adapt teaching and assessing styles commensurate with the new generation's style of receptiveness and learning. Pathways Schools have invested heavily in developing and implementing technical standards that will engage and excite the learners of tomorrow.

From its inception Pathways has been a leader in technology education and each Pathways School has been awarded as a ‘Microsoft Showcase School’. At Pathways, technology is instrumental in fostering new ways of creating, thinking, expressing and learning.

The flexibility of our building design is complemented by Information Age technology which is a learning tool for the student, and a teaching tool to the teacher and the curriculum. Laptops and Tablets are made available to Primary School students on need basis for specific educational modules. Students from Middle School upwards have personal laptops which are radio-linked to the school intranet. This flexibility is particularly valuable within the classroom or laboratory where seating plans and furniture distribution change constantly to reflect the multiple needs of the curriculum.

From a young age, students are constantly taught to think about responsible technology. There are Digital citizenship weeks and a special focus on academic honesty. All Diploma students are required to use the plagiarism-spotting software Turnitin before they hand in final pieces of work.

Technology in Use

  • Technology is an engaging and useful tool to practice essential, traditional skills. From primary school upward, students learn to write stories using apps like Bookcreator, Storybird or Storyweaver or learn speech marks through Make Belief Comix. Music classes draw on specialized software like Logic Pro or CU Basic for recording or Garage Band for composition, and students track their progress in physical education through technology. All students are exposed to robotics using a wide variety of programming software.
  • The school recognizes the importance of getting children to read and in addition to the generously equipped libraries of books, draws upon online reading through using audiobooks or Tumblebooks in primary, research through online databases like JStor or the online Brittanica in secondary school.
  • Technology can create a very different experience of assessment. Teachers use Google forms, or game-based assessment through Kahoot to make interactive and interesting challenges which take away the fear of assessment. Game-based learning is one of the most exciting new areas in education and teachers at Pathways are constantly encouraged to use this.
  • Technology enables exciting connections beyond the school - by attending virtual art exhibitions or skyping with the author of a novel they are reading or even exchanging ideas with classmates around the world. Collaborative learning is supported through Padlet or sharing ideas on Google Docs.
  • Our ‘real-time’ reporting system is also fully computerized, enabling parents to track their child’s progress online.
  • Coding, the essential new language of our world, is encouraged through a Coding Week for students from KG to Grade 12 at some of our campuses. Even parents come in to explore coding in a special Parent Hour of Code.
  • There are training programmes on learning about the Internet of Things and to create wearable technology or do rapid prototyping. Primary students learn to use 3D pens and every level of the school is equipped with 3D Printers.
  • Pathways have mentored the development of a new-age learning management solution called Wizemen, which allows progressive institutions to digitize critical learning aspects of the IB curriculum.

Currently, Pathways Schools use the following solutions of Wizemen:

  • Assess : An e-assessment platform that enables teachers and students to prepare for the IB MYP E-assessments. It encourages for innovative questions creation through the use of tools such as images, videos, graphs and virtual labs.
  • Personal Project : A globally unique solution that decodes the IB MYP Personal Project module into specific and measurable modules with guiding questions, exemplars, resources and supervisor interaction for students.
  • Unit Planner : A curriculum planning solution that enables educators to design IB PYP, MYP and DP Unit Plans, with an enhanced option to systematically divide such Unit Plans down into weekly, fortnightly or monthly plans for effective delivery
  • Classes : An online classroom for students and teachers with exciting features such as forums, attendance, assignments, grade books, etc.
  • Report Card : A dynamic platform for parents and students to analyze the performance of students over the academic year and over the life of the student
  • CAS, Extended Essay and TOK : An innovative platform for enabling Student and Supervisor engagement during the CAS, Extended Essay and TOK journeys of an IB Diploma student.