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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On 17th February 2020, the entire Middle School gathered in the Panini Auditorium for an exciting and life-changing session with Mr. Rakshit Tandon, founder of HackerShala, and an awardee of various titles, such as the Karamveer Jyoti Puruskar and Gurgram Achiever’s Award 2019.

He is an ethical hacker, who works with various forces in order of any requirement of technical details. In this assembly, he enlightened all students about the importance and ways to remain safe while using gadgets. His humor kept the students engaged while effectively driving home the importance of cybersecurity.

Mr. Tandon described in detail, the possible consequences a cybercrime may have, no matter what age it may be committed in. During the time, he not only connected with the audience at their level and gained all their attention, but also conveyed some of the very important information. After discussing that ‘gadget is not a toy’ and what its actual purpose is, he accentuated upon the criteria and security measures to remain safe. A variety of matters like gaming, fake websites, fraud, leakage of personal data and photos, cyberbullying and inappropriate content were discussed.

 Although students like to believe that they are alert for everything, Mr. Tandon’s points were unique. He shared different hacks to remain secured on all commonly used social media. By sharing some of the past cases that he had solved, he shook everyone with reality. Later in the day, he also held a special session for parents where he gave them tips to follow and keep themselves and their children safe from cybercrimes that are on the rise.

Throughout this eye-opening session, students and parents responded with a lot of enthusiasm and without a doubt, learned some hidden factors about the gadgets and devices they use daily.  The session proved to be very fruitful as students and parents not only learn about Netiquette but also how to be more responsible when it comes to the ever-evolving technology.

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