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The Founders -Pathways World School

About Us

Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.

The Founders & The Journey

The Journey of Pathways Schools

At the dawn of the millennium, in the year 2000 Mr Pramod K Jain, a visionary and a successful serial entrepreneur along with his three sons, Mr Praveen Jain, Mr Prabhat Jain and Mr Prashant Jain dreamt of creating a world-class educational institution. A state of the art school that acts as a catalyst in every students’ strive of becoming, first and foremost a complete human being. A responsible and compassionate world citizen who is ready to take on the challenges constantly thrown by the rapidly changing times. An achiever who marks success in a word that is increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.

The inception of Pathways World School was sparked by a fundamental curiosity about the very purpose of school education. Is merely achieving a high score enough to ensure success in life? As homo-sapiens constantly keep evolving, should the schools remain the same in terms of pedagogy, curriculum and learning spaces? How can the internet and advanced technological tools be leveraged to nurture high order thinking from a very young age? What kind of skills would be relevant for a future which is unknown and ever evolving?

This curiosity led to immersive and fascinating two-years of unlearning and re-learning. The research journey entailed studying various formats of school education prevalent around the globe, meeting outstanding thinkers from different disciplines, and developing a deep understanding of various modern researches in childhood and adolescence education. Thus evolved the pedagogical model for Pathways World School, a model where a teacher is a learner too. A model that offers conducive environment for students to ‘learn how to learn’ to become ‘life-long learners’. A model that practices ‘learning by doing’. A school where learning is not merely restricted inside the four walls of a classroom or within the boundaries of the school campus. A model that ignites a curious mindset enabling students to ask unknown questions, even such of which at times even teachers do not have the answers. A reflective framework that helps students build a high ‘Emotional Quotient’ alongside developing high order cognitive skills.

Once the pedagogical model was evolved, the search started for a curriculum that is contemporary and creative. One that gives equal weightage to the journey as much as it gives to the goal. A curriculum where classroom study always makes connections with real life. A curriculum that throws open ended questions to nurture critical thinking. A curriculum that celebrates success as well as learnings from failures. The Founders discovered that the programs offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) are fully aligned with the school vision and decided to adopt the same.

Thus was founded Pathways World School in 2003. A contemporary school that has a truly international outlook and is yet firmly rooted in Indian values and culture. A school spread over a 32 acres award winning world class campus that has nature in abundance.

The journey of unlearning and relearning that started in the year 2000 has become a life-long passion for the Founders. As the world keeps changing and evolving, Pathways World School remains a living organism. Pathways World School continuously keeps adapting to remain futuristic, to best serve its students and prepare them for a future of limitless possibilities.