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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The Birla Public School, Pilani organized RS-inspired Collaboration "Cultural Coincidences on - Greek and Indian Mythology on 1st April.  Five students from MYP 4 took part in this event in which over 110 delegates from more than 14 schools across India as well as Dubai and Pakistan also participated.

The students embarked on an insightful learning journey by first starting with an ice-breaking session “About one quality you would like to inculcate in yourself from a friend.”

The key-note speech by Mr. Ritesh R, Assistant Professor from the School of Creativity, Rishihood University, Haryana, highlighted various similarities between Greek and Indian mythology. Additionally, he discussed how we can view the world from a multicultural and global perspective.

He compared the Trojan War of Greek mythology with the Ramayana of Indian mythology. Although the two cultures are so far apart, they share a lot in common. Students shared their thoughts about the similarities and differences between the two mythologies. Following the presentation, students were given the opportunity to satiate their curiosity by asking questions to the speaker. A video was created by each student to share their thoughts on the topic. 

Overall, the collaboration was a great enriching experience for all. It promoted the spirit of international mindedness and world harmony.

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