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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the morning of 25th July, a group of seven excited Pathwaysians left for Modern United Nations conference at Strawberry Fields High School in Chandigarh. Thus, began a journey full of learning, fun and discussions around some important issues that plague our world.

After a tiring train journey and a scrumptious meal on arrival, the students were warmly welcomed by the students of Strawberry Fields High School where the Opening Ceremony of SFHS-MUN had just begun.

The students got the opportunity to hear the keynote address by the Hon’ble Justice Krishna Murari, the Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court who emphasized the importance of such platforms for young minds to debate and discuss real time issues. The speech was followed by a melodious symphony of the Indian ragas by an Indian classical sitar player, Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Sahib, from the Imdadkhani Gharana.

It was after the performance that the Secretary General declared the conference open. Around 350 students from all over the country poised to discuss and deliberate on world issues of SHFS-MUN.

Over the next few days, students were divided into their Committees and commenced their research and discussions on their respective agendas. The speakers debated on political, social and economic issues and created draft resolutions to come up with solutions.

It was a great opportunity for students to meet participants from across the country and work towards creating a better world. Besides the informative formal sessions, students witnessed an enthralling live theatrical performance, ‘Kaise Karenge?’ and also a Musical Soirée’ which provided the much-needed relaxation from days full of debates and discussions.

On 28 July, the last day of SHFS-MUN, the students woke up with a sad face at the prospect of going back to their regular schedules. The students dressed up in traditional Indian attire and attended the closing ceremony which consisted of an awards ceremony and an inspirational speech by Mr. Nehchal Sandhu, former Chief of Intelligence Bureau, Government of India. As the MUN was declared closed, the students reflected on their experiences.

The conference had surely ignited a new sense of learning and knowledge in all.

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