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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Students from MYP 4 and 5, pursuing Spanish Language, were fortunate to be a part of the Round Square Language Lab: Seven Sessions in Spanish hosted by Craighouse School and Belgrano Day School for 7 weeks starting 20th October 2021 where the students got an opportunity to hone their Spanish speaking skills.

Each session was hosted by a different school across the world. There were delegates from USA, UAE, UK, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Canada, Germany, Bahamas, and South Africa.

The sessions focused on topics such as Travel and Tourism, ‘Family and Friends, Hobbies and leisure time, Music, Films and series, Food and Lifestyle. Learning about these topics was great fun as the host schools used various learning strategies such as Kahoot quizzes, guessing-the-meaning games, show and tell, and simple conversations to enhance the speaking skills of all students.

The students gained a lot of experience in communicating with people of different cultures through this virtual Conference and they learned how to form sentences and phrases in the target language. The sessions also introduced some new vocabulary (including Colombian slang) into the dictionary of all the Spanish language students. It was truly a mesmerizing experience for all.

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