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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.


  • G 20 Summit February 20
    Pathways World School, Gurgaon

Enacting the forum created out of the 20 most powerful countries of the world with International Organizations being a part was a great exposure for students actively studying Global Politics. 5 students from grade 11 represented Pathways World School at the Model G20 summit held at Sushma Swaraj Bhawan in Delhi on 17th February 2023.

The summit was chaired by India, which holds the presidency till November 2023. Ritvik Agrawal & Ganim Singh represented South Africa, an Emerging Market Economy. The students put up their understanding of South Africa's National Interests in Climate Change and their nation's perspective on the effect of climate change and what their contribution may be to stop these situations on a global stage.

Whereases, Suhani Suri & Srishti Dev Gupta represented Australia, a part of the G7 group. The students showcased what can this nation as a global leader does for the mitigation of climate change while first understanding their national problems in regard to climate change and representing the mitigation and adaptation strategies put into place.

Furthermore, Shuvam Dhakal represented The United Nations, which was the first to start the mitigation and adaptation strategies while also understanding the world problems and creating Sustainable Development Goals around the problems to tackle them. Each student took 2 minutes to represent their respective nation and 4 minutes collectively as and delegation. 

The second and last leg of the summit started with drafting, which was led by the chair, India. Under drafting, the chair collated all the perspectives of countries and created a draft which would be used in the actual G20 summit.

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