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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Wednesday, 6th April’22 was a special day for all MYP 1-3 students as that was the culmination day of their Passion project journey.

The event was passionately named by the students as “Inception” as it was the establishment of their big and passionate ideas which were presented across two days, the curtain-raiser day on 6th and the exhibition day on 7th April.  The audience included parents, teachers, and MYP students. The event provided exposure to public speaking and gave an opportunity and platform to show what the students are passionate about.

Across the two days, the students were able to look at each other’s work and learn from each other, as well as feel inspired. It was amazing to see the students to be thinking outside of the box, thinking for the environment, working on their passion, and bringing a change. The projects ranged from learning special techniques of basketball to designing greeting cards and even baking.

Altogether, working on the passion project had been an incredible journey for everyone, it gave the students a chance to work on something they truly liked. The students were mentored by their supervisors who guided them through their passion project journey. The two days provided a platform to all students of MYP 1-3 to showcase their talents and hobbies and how they were turned into beautiful projects. 

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