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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On 23rd and 24th April 2021, students of Middle School participated in the Sustainability Summit. The Summit was organised by SAI International School and Dhirubhai Ambani International School and was a two-day program to educate students and spread awareness about the various threats to the climate. The days were filled with fun learning and intense discussions for the students.

The Summit started with an amazing presentation by the Founder of Coastal Impacts, Mr. Venkatesh Charloo on the problems faced by the marine ecosystems. He also informed students about the solutions like the three R’s, spreading awareness, disposal of organic waste to make compost pits, saying no to plastic and many other interesting ideas.

However, he strongly emphasised  spreading awareness. His presentation was followed by a question-answer session. Participants also played a short game that allowed them to discuss important issues such as the economic impacts of marine life.

The second day of the event began with a panel discussion on how one can help the environment and students explored sustainable methods to survive in the future. Later, in their respective Breakout Rooms, students played the game, “Never Have I Ever”, with questions focussed on sustainable actions undertaken by them.

The game was followed by a fruitful and interesting discussion on the future of Sustainability. Afterward, all groups made posters on one topic that they were passionate about and wanted to spread awareness. Towards the end of the session, all groups presented a summary of what happened in their breakout groups and shared their posters.

The event was concluded by a short note of thank you by the Round Square representative of SAI International School, Ms. Jessica Patnaik. Ms. Patnaik encouraged the students to keep the torch burning for sustainability and envision a healthier and greener future for all. Overall, the students learned a great deal about how their little actions affect the environment and want to take all necessary sustainable steps in their daily lives.

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