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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



We are glad to announce that we have commenced the pre-term program with great enthusiasm. The teachers warmly welcomed their new students and had everything ready for them as they walked in the door. 

The students utilized their time and effort to this important start effectively. They were given sessions to understand the Pathways reporting system - Wizemen, ,Approaches to Learning and other school practices. The students had a wonderful time interacting with the student council and learning the know-how of the school. The students also learnt about MYP Service and did a wonderful activity around SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). It was a pleasure to witness the cohort so creatively involved with their work.

They also enjoyed the displays of interesting science equipment they will use in future and also did some hands-on around Sciences. Multiple overview sessions were taken by subject leads to introduce their subjects with the knowledge of criteria and thereby introduced their GRASPS (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product, Standard). They all did a great job and it was an ultimate delight to see the students leaving the classroom with the feeling of anticipation for the upcoming week. 

Pre-term Week 2 (April 10- April 14, 2023) 

You may chain my hands, you may shackle my feet; you may even throw me into a dark prison; but you shall not enslave my thinking, because it is free - Khalil Gibran 

And with this very thought we started the second week of our pre-term program. The students seemed at ease with the faculty and were eagerly waiting for the day to begin. The ongoing ‘Deep Reading sessions’ in the library are assisting the students to enhance their reading skills. Most of our students are now familiar with the nomenclature used in the IB Curriculum which made them comfortable enough to participate as independent learners’ and engage in various discourses. This week, the students have made progress with the Mathematics GRASPS task (Goal Role, Audience, Situation, Product and Standard) and are ready to explore and on the verge of culminating the GRASPS (Goal Role, Audience, Situation, Product and Standard) in other subjects like Science and English. They also explored unique areas like Mindfulness and Diversity & Inclusion to build empathy. The session on College Advisory helped them to process the information on the importance of a good CV. 

Students had an enriching learning time during the Ceramic Pottery Workshop specially organized by the Visual Arts Team. With the help of Meet the Peer sessions, our pre termers were able to apprise themselves with the different roles and responsibilities of students. They shall continue to practice for the upcoming Student-led Conference in days to come. They are further encouraged to add their learning in their pre-term journey. It was absolutely wonderful to witness the students closing the week with the smile on their faces and enthusiasm to learn in the upcoming week. 

Pre-term Week 3 (April 17- April 21, 2023) 

The final week of the preterm program started well with the completion of various GRASPS tasks in academic subjects, which were both enjoyable and informative. The students were also a part of the mindful session which assisted them in relaxing and enhancing their focus. The students participated in school-wide Mufti-day fundraising event which was also a highlight, as it shall contribute to social causes in the local community. This week, students were introduced to Passion projects, exploring other students’ projects and being inspired by Pathwaysian student prodigies, which helped them reflect on their passion and ideas. The students thoroughly enjoyed swimming and Product design classes. They also enthusiastically participated in many sessions on Drama, Dance, Music, PULSE and developed collaboration and interpersonal skills through many group tasks. They also learnt about interdisciplinary units and how different disciplines can interact in real-life contexts. The students conducted through research on “Fast Fashion” and created informative products such as brochures, videos, and presentations. They also tried the Canva tool to design a poster on “Globalisation”. In addition, students reviewed the concept of ‘Area and perimeter’ in Mathematics through their assignments in GRASPS. The ‘Deep reading sessions’ concluded with meaningful discussion around their readings with the librarian. It is great to hear that the students enjoyed the program and are ready to immerse in their regular lessons, while still continuing to work on their presentations for the upcoming Student-led-Conference. A very carefully planned three -week preterm program stirred the flavour of Pathways in the newbies. 

Overall, this enriching preterm program ended on a positive note with many valuable lessons learnt, and it was wonderful to see all the students leaving the preterm program with smiles on their faces and looking forward to their regular classes. 

Coming up… 

The students will be immersed in the regular classes. They will study the regular curriculum and will prepare for their upcoming assessments beginning from 10th May 2023. 

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