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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



World Autism Awareness Day is observed on April 2nd as one of seven official health-specific UN Days globally.

On 1st April, the Additional Learning Support Team members organized various events to raise awareness about this day. They distributed blue ribbons to the students and staff members so that they gain an understanding of Autism. The blue color was chosen for the ribbon because of the calm effect, which is vital for those who have Autism. The infinity symbol stimulates thoughts of inclusivity for people on the spectrum. To mark this occasion students watched a video on Autism awareness curated by the ALS team. 

Students shared their understanding and the impact of the video through fruitful discussions during the Form Tutor time. Posters to create Autism Awareness were placed strategically at different parts of the school. This helped create a buzz in the school.

Students were moved by the presentation and voiced their thoughts and perspectives in support of individuals who are on the spectrum.

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