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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The Round Square International Conference held from 20th-23rd September was hosted by the Oxford University. 6 students from DP participated in the same: Kripaa Talwar, Ojas Katiyar, Vatsal Kabra, Nathan Upputuru, Ram Goyal, and Nitya Khirwar. The theme of the round square was “Blue Skies and Brave Conversations”.

With the COVID19 pandemic changing our lives over the past 18 months in ways we could not have imagined, for many of us it has been a reminder of what really matters in the world, and where our priorities lie. We have every reason to look to the future with optimism… there is a glimmer of blue sky on the horizon… but in order to get there it was time for some brave conversations about the need for change.

Our Brave Conversation topics for the conference, included Identity and Inclusion, Climate Action and Ethical Leadership.

During the 4 day event, all of us got an opportunity to experience the virtual event through a gaming-style platform with the functionality of video-conferencing. We were able join the platform online as a cartoon avatar and were able to travel around a virtual campus and park.

As we moved around the campus, we were given the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world, have real-time conversations, and get to know our fellow delegates better. There were also various activities throughout the park which included picnic blankets (debates/dancing/learning origami), fire pit discussions, beach talent shows, yoga, and much more.

The keynote speeches were highly insightful and the speakers were truly inspiring for all present in the conference. Hearing about their experiences followed by spirited discussions in our respective baraza groups gave us a wonderful opportunity to broaden our understanding about international mindedness. In our baraza groups, we also got to interact with people from all over the world and get to know each other better through ice-breaking sessions.

The round square conference was not only highly educational but also an extremely engaging and enlightening experience.


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