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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



4 Students of DP 1(Siya Mehra, Nitya Chugh, Sara Sehgal, and Saranya Gupta) participated in the Global Social Leaders Competition as Team SustainTrain.

Global Social Leaders was created in 2011 by Future Foundations and Wellington Leadership Institute. Both organizations have extensive experience, credentials, and awards for their work with young people, leadership, and character building.

The aim of the GSL Global Goals Competition was to develop students’ understanding of global citizenship and to turn their ideas into reality. They support young people to develop and action projects that help to achieve the United Nations’ Global Goals.

The Project for the Team SustainTrain, was to hand-make care packages (made entirely using recyclable materials), including useful items such as toys, stationery, masks, hand sanitizers, etc. that are difficult for them to procure during these trying times.

In addition to making DIY toys ourselves, the team planned to collaborate with Green-o-Tech India and give the recyclable paper to them to receive stationery made from that paper in return but because of the lockdown in Delhi, Green-o-Tech was not working, and we couldn't get to complete our project.

Their plan was to donate them to Delhi University Women’s Association, an NGO that runs two playschools for children whose parents’ salaries are less than Rs. 15,000 and fall under the economically disadvantaged category, but due to the pandemic, they were unable to reach here.

Through their project, they hoped to inspire young, underprivileged minds into believing that they are no less than any other kid and that they too can have dreams and aspirations. They hoped to reduce inequalities and empower these young minds. All in all, they hoped to bring happiness to them.

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