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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



From 4th to 6th September 2020, five students from MYP 5 and four students of DP participated in the British School Model United Nations (TBSMUN) that was organized on the virtual platform. Thus, began a journey full of learning, fun and discussions around some important issues that plague our world.

During the course of three days, students from various Schools were divided into their Committees and commenced their research and discussions on their respective agendas. The speakers prepared their speeches and spent their time lobbying with delegations from various committees.

The students debated on political, social and economic issues and created draft resolutions to come up with solutions. Moreover, the interaction and excitement amongst the delegates only heightened as the committee sessions progressed.

Over the course of the three-day Conference, vigorous discussions, effective committee sessions and one-on-one debates were initiated. What started off as friendly discussions in committee sessions, soon turned into a platform for delegates to articulate their opinions on social and political issues like human rights, health and education.

Apart from the regular committee sessions, Mr. Shashi Tharoor, a renowned Indian politician, took to the stage to share his perspective on the humanistic approach to politics. Moreover, he expressed his notion of leveraging individual differences to work towards an inclusive and rapidly developing world. The instruction of this articulated speech encouraged the delegates to voice out their mindsets with utmost confidence.

By the end of the conference, keeping in consideration every student’s point of view, numerous ideas as to how the UN can function more efficiently and avert disputes were brought out. The delegates all worked hard on this, as was evident in the position paper submitted by each committee by the end of the day.

It was a joyous occasion when 3 students from Pathways World School were awarded for their implausible participation and achievement in their specific committees. Ojas Katiyar from MYP 5, received “High Commendation” in UNGA. Shreeya Suri of MYP 5 received a “Special Mention” in JCC and Vatsal Kabra of MYP 5 received a verbal mention in NATO – Russia Council.

As the MUN was declared closed, the students reflected on their experiences. The conference had surely ignited a new sense of learning and knowledge in all.

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