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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The students of MYP 5 along with their parents were invited to attend the Parent Orientation meetings from 15th to 19th February 2021, led by the MYP Coordinator Ms. Achla Kakria and Grade Level Coordinator for MYP 5, Ms. Sujata Raina. The zoom meetings briefed parents on the journey ahead for MYP class of 2021.

MYP 5 is the last and most crucial Middle School year with a lot of on-going and upcoming projects. This meeting was particularly for making parents aware of the same. Coordinators discussed in detail about the Special Schedule, Attendance, Trial 1 Results, Resource Banks, plans until March, E-assessments, meeting the timelines, and the importance of creating a timetable.

The hosts of the meeting talked about the various features of a Portfolio and the 3 major deadlines to meet for any portfolio, the various tasks and assessments for Language Acquisition, Feedback sessions of PP, preparation for Trial 2, rules of a mandatory e-assessment, advantages of meeting the deadlines, plans until March and beyond March. To resolve all the doubts of the parents, there was a Q&A session held at the end of the meeting.

The sessions were very informative for all the attendees and provided the parents an insight into their ward’s curriculum and make them more aware of the upcoming journey.

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