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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



“Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential” by Winston Churchill

Pathways World School, Gurgaon hosted an online Middle School Parent Orientation on August 20th, 2020 to include parents in every step of the child’s middle years journey. Conducted by the Middle School Principal, Ms. Monika Bajaj, it was a great opportunity for the parents to familiarize themselves with the Middle Years Programme. The MYP Curriculum is a five-year program through Grade 6-10.

The session started with Ms. Monika Bajaj, welcoming the parents, and introducing them to key members of the team, in the live Zoom meeting. It was a window for parents to accustom themselves to the varied components of the MYP Curriculum and was especially beneficial to parents of Grade 6 students, who have just started a new journey in the Middle School.

The topics for different discussions offered to Parents were: Role of Parents and Students in the virtual setting, Resources on Wizemen, Homework and last but not the least, Assessments and Criteria for MYP Certificate. Parents were briefed about these topics by various members of the faculty. This step to make the sessions topic-specific was beneficial to parents because along with the generics, they also got to learn about the learning experience of the students in Middle School.

Soon after, parents attended a relaxing session of Coffee Evening with their wards’ Form Tutor. The session was filled with funny ice-breaker games, meaningful and informative conversation, and of course, their favorite flavor of the coffee. The form tutors eased parents’ anxiety and tried to establish a comfortable relationship of camaraderie with them.

The Parent Orientation of the Academic Year 2019-2020 was a great success in accomplishing its goal of providing key information about MYP and Middle School to the Parents despite the challenge of not meeting face-to-face. Through this successful session, Pathways was yet again able to extend support towards its parent body in this time of uncertainty.

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