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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the 18th of December 2019, the young minds of the Middle School at Pathways World School gave flight to their inner dreams, passion, and convictions through the Personal Project Exhibition. The Personal Project exhibition culminated the Journey of Grade 10 students in the MYP Batch of 2020.

Two Pathways Alumni, Anubhav Wadhwa, and Rishit Jain were invited as Chief Guests to inaugurate the Exhibition as well as share their thoughts and journey to inspire the 4th MYP Batch. During the inaugural ceremony a few of the Students from 10th Grade were invited on stage to share with the audience their products and what motivated them to choose the same.

After the Personal Project Exhibition was inaugurated the Students moved to their designated places to showcase their products and share their exciting journey with the Students, Parents, Faculty Members and Chief Guests.  Their sheer excitement kept them warm despite the cold wintry morning. 

The exhibition allowed all the 10th Graders to bring forth their own experiences and hard work to the entirety of the Middle and Senior Schools. It was a time for them to bask in their glory, after having accomplished their goals. It was the perfect conclusion to the tenacious and tiring goals each of the 10th Graders had chosen for themselves as they were able to tell students, teachers, and parents about their unique innovations, ground-breaking research or their breath-taking projects. 

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