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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Friday the 13th September 2019, was a day of celebrating the rich traditions of languages, as the Primary School marked Language Day. Students trooped in dressed as their favourite fictitious characters to add pageantry to the atmosphere.

Some parents and staff volunteered to share their favourite stories in different languages with students in different grades.

To add to the flavour, authors were invited to share their work.  Ms. Joeanna A Fernandes shared her book “Treasure at the train station” with Grades 4 and 5, Ms.  Sumona Bagchi shared her book “Jungle trails” with Grade 2 and Ms. Anupama Jain shared her short story of 27 words with Grade 3.

The authors in turn had a wonderful time interacting with the students and sharing some of the experiences of their journey towards becoming an author.

The puppet show was the most exciting moment of the day. Ms. Rekha Vyas entertained the students with the shadow play and puppets.  “The three fish” and “The banyan tree” were the stories shared by her.

The Reflection sheets, filled by the students, regarding Language Day, showed that they had a day full of excitement and enriched themselves with vocabulary in different languages.

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