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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The United Nations has designated every 31st of October as World Cities Day. The Day has been earmarked to promote an understanding of sustainable urbanization, and for people to appreciate the uniqueness and contribute to the conservation of cities and places.

The Parents of the Primary School facilitated the World Cities Fair at Pathways World School Gurgaon on 26th October 2018. They showcased seven vibrant places, rich in culture and diversity. The places showcased were Amritsar, Kenya, Singapore, UAE, North Eastern States, Japan and Kurukshetra.

Each stall gave the audience a peek into the unique aspects of the culture of the place. The live dance performances by Amritsar and UAE created a lot of excitement amongst the students.

The vivid display of artefacts and fine detailing by Japan, Singapore, North Eastern States, Kurukshetra and Kenya was noteworthy. An array of scrumptious food and exciting takeaways for the Students added splendour to this celebration.

The Students were thrilled to carry a handmade Passport as an entry ticket to each stall.

The Students of Primary School visited the Fair in their Grade-Level Groups. They took back a wealth of information, which they gained through their active participation and interaction with the Presenters.

It was a day dedicated to celebrating the spirit of collaboration between the School and Parents.

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