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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



As part of our MYP 3 program, we implemented a proactive approach to support students in Math by incorporating extra assistance during morning Form tutor lessons. These sessions were tailored to each student's individual learning style and pace, creating a more inclusive learning environment. 

Through this personalized approach, students gained the necessary support to enhance their performance in the subject. During dedicated sessions, MYP3 students engaged in activities that specifically focused on building their skills in the subject of Science. 

These sessions were designed to equip students with effective strategies for approaching assessments. Through various engaging activities, students were encouraged to actively participate in skill-building exercises, such as brainstorming solutions to different scenarios which fostered critical thinking skills within the context of Science.

The goal of these sessions was to enhance students' proficiency by providing them with the necessary skills and strategies to excel in assessments and develop a strong foundation in the subject. 

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