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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Interdisciplinary learning is a fundamental aspect that equips students with the ability to connect various subjects and apply their knowledge across multiple disciplines, thereby ensuring a forward-thinking education. On Monday, 3rd April, an interdisciplinary unit (IDU) was launched between Math and Science for MYP5 students. 

During the launch, the learning objectives and assessment criteria for the IDU were introduced, and students were given access to relevant sources, which were further discussed in class. Currently, students are exploring these resources within their classrooms and practising tasks that are based on the given criteria. To guide them in evaluating, synthesizing, and reflecting on these tasks while combining the two subjects, teachers are providing support and facilitate the learning process. 

The students engaged in exploring the interdisciplinary unit (IDU) resources available in their classrooms and worked on tasks that align with the criteria. With guidance from their teachers, they evaluated, synthesized, and reflected on the tasks, integrating the two subjects. The teachers provided feedback and tips to help the students answer questions, thus preparing them for their final E assessments. 

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