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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



After months of hard work, the students of DP1 were able to bear the fruits of their labor and had their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition on 16th March 2023. TOK is a core element of the IBDP which allows students to explore the interpretive nature of knowledge.

During this exhibition, students creatively displayed key aspects of their TOK commentary. Panels were displayed in every corner of the academic building, and the hustle & bustle were a sight to remember. The exhibition was declared open by the Principal of the Senior school, Ms. Manjula Shenoi along with IBDP coordinators, Ms. Ila Pandey and Ms. Mona Sharma. In addition, parents of DP1 students all academic staff, as well as students of MYP 5 were welcomed to Takshila, filled with panels and students alike.

The event was commemorated by the presence of our Founder Director, Mr. Prabhat Jain, as well as the School Director, Ms. Sonya Ghandy Mehta, who visited every room and took a keen interest in the findings of the students. The exhibition ended with a group photograph of all DP1 students and the academic staff. During the closing stages of the exhibition, Mr. Jain along with Ms. Manjula shared positive and encouraging feedback with the students.

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