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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.




Students got ready and left early morning to go hiking in the Aravali hills with the mesmerizing weather and went for a long, vigorous walk to 'G4 Farmhouse' on the 18th of February. A delicious meal was served to the boarders who went accompanied by various teachers and lovely music along with the same.

They all thoroughly enjoyed fostering a sense of community among all who enjoy the pastime while building a community that defies conventional social barriers and creating meaningful conversations with others. It helped develop their physical growth, providing many forms of exercise and balance/agility as well as more awareness of their surroundings and nature.


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Boarders left the early morning of 28th January to go hiking and bird watching in the Aravali hills with the mesmerizing weather and went for a long, vigorous walk along the same pathway. They all thoroughly enjoyed fostering a sense of community among all who enjoy the pastime while building a community that defies conventional social barriers and creating meaningful conversations with others. It helped develop their physical growth, providing many forms of exercise and balance/agility as well as more awareness of their surroundings and nature.


The students till grade 7 went to Sunil Bhardwaj's farmhouse to do some fun and enriching activities on the 18th of February. The students learned how to pull and wash Radishes to help the people working at the farm. They also learned about the preparation of clay for pottery. They also had their lunch there and roamed around to visit his farmhouse. The students had a fun and exciting time and learned many new things.

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