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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On the 21st of November 2020, seven students from across the Middle School participated in the annual Singapore International School (SIS) Confluence which was centered around the theme ‘Pioneers of the Indian Subcontinent’.

Participants from more than 30 schools across India competed in different events which ranged from General Quiz to Speech Writing and multi- format debates. With such a wide array of events, the students were geared to sharpen their research and communication skills.

The Virtual Confluence began in the morning with the registration process which allowed students to interact with the host school and learn more about the event. It also gave them an opportunity to meet their peers from across the country and engage in meaningful discussions. The registration was followed by the Elimination round of the Inquisition or General Quiz.

This fiery round comprised of topics ranging from pop culture to football clubs and literature written in the 20th century and students raced against time as they had just 10 seconds to answer each question.

Shortly after the elimination round, the opening ceremony took place with different speakers sharing their views and thoughts on the conference. The school Director, Mrs. Sharonee Mullick discussed the importance of keeping alive traditions even in the face of adversity   along with wishing luck to all the participants who were prepared for a day of tough competition.

The opening ceremony was followed by multi format debate rounds which comprised of Turncoat debate, Extempore speaking and Bridge Rounds as well as the Incubation or Speech writing competition. All participants were put in breakout rooms based on the category they were taking part in and were given 15 minutes to prepare their speech. The topics ranged from economics and politics to environment and gave the students an insight into the current affairs of the country.

Every school received their own topic and each student had the opportunity to express his/her views on that issue. It was a great learning experience for all students as they heard what their peers had to say about the issues that prevailed in the country. 

With the final round of the General Quiz and the debates, the event came to an end with the closing ceremony where the teams from various schools came together to celebrate the learnings and achievements from this event.  The effort made by the Pathways team was commendable given that some of the youngest members were competing with older students in the same category of events on very complex topics.

They rose to the occasion and found themselves to be more knowledgeable at the end of the event. Overall, the event was a fruitful Saturday which allowed students to explore various fields and utilize their time for gaining knowledge and developing their communication skills.

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