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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The Genesis Global School hosted the TechnoKredible inter-school Competition wherein, Kaashvi Khurana (MYP 5) and Saranya Gupta (DP 2) of Pathways World School participated as a team in the Science quiz and secured the first position.  Dea Navtej Singh (MYP3) participated in the Science Topic presentation and secured the third position. The entire event was hosted in a virtual platform.

After clearing the prelims for the science quiz on the 24th of July 2021 with participants from over 16 schools from the country, Kaashvi and Saranya participated in the final round on the 31st of July, 2021, which was composed of five rounds; Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Audio-visual and the Rapid Fire.

The Science Topic Presentation also took place on 31st of July where Dea showcased her presentation on ‘Deep Sea mining’  the Samudrayaan project of India, wherein she put across the strengths, opportunities and threats associated with the scientific process.

She had prepared a video presentation on the above theme and the same was shared with the host school. On the final day the same was played for all the participants, where the judges appreciated and shared their perspective. Overall, it was an enriching learning experience for students where they got an opportunity to display their knowledge and skills on a wider platform.

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