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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



'Samaanta: A Gender Equality Global Perspective Symposium" was hosted on July 7, 2021 by the Dhirubhai Ambani international school, Mumbai.

It was an enlightening and inspiring session that aimed at finding ways to resolve gender inequality through team pioneered solutions to make a difference in this gender-biased world in hopes of equality. This Symposium provided a great platform to all students to collaborate on the topic of gender equality.

The event began with the ceremonial Lighting of the lamp accompanied by a prayer to wish success and prosperity to the fruitful conference that lay ahead. This was followed by keynote presentation by Ms. Vibha Bakshi, a filmmaker, journalist, and founder of Responsible Films.

She is known for her films that highlight issues of gender inequality. She has received four National Film Awards from the President of India and her newest film "Son rise" Is to be played in the UN. In her presentation, Ms. Vibha discussed the fight for gender equality and how through her film making she would want to open the eyes of people on this topic from an Indian perspective in hopes of changing the world of gender injustice. The students learned that although there are progressions each country has made in breaking gender stereotypes and norms, no country is fully there yet.  

In the interactive Baraza sessions, students were divided into different committees to share the issues and their solutions related to gender injustice. The fruitful discussions culminated with all students taking a pledge for working towards gender equality.

The whole event concluded with a consolidation of all the resolves made in the pledges from all the committees along with the inspiring words from Ms. Vibha Bakshi on how to keep this fight for equality forward in the future. Throughout this event we as students were inspired to see through the injustice and unfairness and fight for the right cause.

They learned that like every battle, the battle of gender equality will come with its setbacks and obstacles but as long as people raise their voices, justice will always prevail in the end and there will always be hope for those wishing for a gender equal society.

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