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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The PYP Exhibition 2021 titled ‘Sentience’ was shared through the virtual platform for the audience comprising students, teachers, parents and guests over 11th and 12th March. The two-day long exhibition by the Students of PYP 5 showcased their creativity through various mediums such as displays, models, dance, songs, skits, and poetry marking the culmination of the PYP journey.

This year’s Exhibition looked into technological  advancements, natural disasters, inventions and innovations, natural laws, space exploration, sustainability and human interactions with the environment under the Transdisciplinary theme, ‘How the World Works.'

Students had colourfully and aesthetically showcased their exhibition stations with innovative yet sustainable displays. The displays showcased the in-depth research done by the students using various resources. This year, the students were supported in the learning by guest speakers and Expert Mentors who guided the students in their fields of expertise.

The parents too have been valuable contributors in their children’s journey as independent learners.

The confidence displayed by the students as they proudly shared their learning was praiseworthy and a reason for immense pride for their mentors who have worked hard to hone the essential skills of their mentees. 

The experience of the PYP Exhibition journey has brought the students one step closer to graduating from Primary School and to be prepared for the next  learning journey that awaits them.

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