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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



From 25th December 2020 to 15th January 2021, a student of MYP-3, Jaden Rahman Pariat participated in the 2020 FMSCI Rotax Max National Championship.

This championship was organized by ‘MSport’, a renowned auto-racing team, at the Meco Kartopia track, which is a 1.2 km track on the outskirts of Bangalore. This competition allowed the drivers to choose their preferred kart (an unsprung motor-racing vehicle typically having 4 wheels), modify their kart, and use different setups. There were a total of 4 races in the tournament.

Jaden began his race from the 9th position and fought his way to reach the 4th position by the end of the race. But, unfortunately, during the third round of the tournament, he met with an accident that injured his knees and feet. Apart from this, his engine also caught fire during the course of his race which caused him to restart from the 11th position. He met with several challenges and obstacles, but this did not affect his determination.

Jaden even had to change his kart to a new one, which was not of his preference, but he still managed to make his way back in the tournament and reach the 4th position. Furthermore, he acquired the chance of meeting Mr. Arjun Maini and Mr. Kush Maini, who are celebrated Indian racing drivers currently competing in the Asian Le Mans Series for the RLR MSport team.

Although Jaden’s experience was full of ups and downs, he succeeded in gaining a spot on the podium. He considers this a wonderful opportunity and experience. The Pathways family highly applauds his tremendous efforts and wishes him all the very best for his future endeavors.

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