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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On 29th August, an online workshop on Entrepreneurship was conducted for the enthusiastic students of MYP 5 and DP1. It was led by Mr. Sambhav Jain, an IIT Roorkee Graduate and the Founder of FamPay, a payment app, along with Ms. Supriya Puri, a passionate public speaker and an associate at FamPay.

The central theme of the masterclass was Entrepreneurship and its fundamentals. The hour-long interactive session was very engaging and enthralling. It helped the budding entrepreneurs of Pathways Gurgaon to understand the basics of starting a business and launching their own start-ups.  

Mr. Sambhav Jain began his session with discussing the skill of ‘Problem Solving’, which was the core of any business enterprise. Over discussions, students were also acquainted with the differences between a ‘Business’ and a ‘Start-up’. Mr. Sambhav shared his personal experiences of his Start-up “FamPay” and the risks he undertook to run it.

His experiences motivated the students to look beyond the obstacles and aim at achieving their goals through hard work and dedication. In addition, Mr. Jain explained that the motive behind his start-up was not only to empower teenagers with numberless cards but also to train them on the value of money and impart financial education to the youth. Over the course of the session, he also explained the in-depth process and steps for launching a new business.  

The Workshop was a great learning experience for the students and it not only expanded the knowledge on the concept of Entrepreneurship but also acted as a stimulus to those aspiring to be entrepreneurs.

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