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Pathways World School Gurgaon - Learning Support


Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.

English Support

Supporting English Language Learners

At PWS, English Support classes are conducted at various levels called Phases. Students are inducted into these phases based on placement test results.

Phases 1 to 4 follow Unit plans comprising the language skills such as Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Visuals, which are assessed at least twice in each semester. Students are regularly benchmarked in these areas.

After Phase 4, students move to Bridging phase, where they follow the mainstream Language and Literature unit plan. The concepts, tasks and activities are customized as per the needs of the students and scaffolding is done using variety of resources. Once the students are prepared, they join the Mainstream Language and Literature classes.

In the Primary Years, English Support Program has been designed with differentiated learning outcomes and categorised into four phases. An Individualised Learning Programme is designed for each student by the Specialist which includes individual or small group instruction, curriculum or teaching modifications according to the areas of strength and enhancement.

For subjects such as Unit of Inquiry, the programme is immersive and learning is scaffolded for the learners as per their abilities. Pull-out sessions are facilitated for English by the Specialist Teacher to enable learners to achieve strategic and focussed learning outcomes.

Our English Support Program has helped many students improve their language skills, boost their academic performance and gain confidence in their abilities. We are proud to offer this valuable resource to our students and ensure that they have the language proficiency they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond.