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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That's the essence of humanity - George Bernard Shaw

August 2nd, 2018: Ms. Ambika Shukla from Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre (SGACC) came to Pathways to address the students of grade 12. She sensitized students about the prevalence of animal cruelty in our society.

She discouraged the use of leather products in light of the fact that animals are subjected to unimaginable cruelty in the process of its making. She also encouraged the audience to turn vegetarians. She answered some FAQ about vegetarianism and spoke about some of the laws against animal cruelty.

She cited many cases of cruelty to animals, for example, the cruelty to snakes inflicted by the snake charmers: she said that many snakes in India are not venomous but use the venom to digest food. Once the fangs are extracted the snake is unable to eat and suffers. Shampoos and soaps are tested on animals.

For example, shampoos are tested on rabbits. Their eyes are kept open with the help of tweezers and shampoo is poured in their eyes. The rabbits struggle with pain and sometimes break their backs while struggling. She encouraged students to be aware of these facts.

The audience was visibly shocked at the scale of prevalence of these kinds of cruelty and the failure of the law enforcing machinery to curb such acts. She encouraged students to write to these companies and ask these companies how their products are tested. Resistance to the products that cause cruelty to animals when testing, could encourage them to change their policies.

So, she emphasized upon the need for people to raise their voices and express horror to such cruelty if they expect things to change.

At the end of the discussion there was a question-answer session wherein students and teachers asked questions and tried to understand the finer nuances of the issue. Overall it was a very informative and insightful session.

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