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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Dear Colleagues,

It will be great if you spare a few moments from your hectic schedules to go through this edition of "PWS Alumni.....where they are in time and place!"

  • Nippun Arora, Class of 2019 is currently working as a Resident Advisor with University of British Columbia. Higher education - Bachelor's in Economics & Business, University of British Columbia. In Nippun's words, "Pathways gave me a solid foundation in critical thinking, problem solving & working collaboratively". To hear more about Nippun's journey, click here.
  • Ishika Mukherjee, Class of 2015 works as a Customer Success Manager in Dallas, Texas. Higher education - Graduate in International Business with Marketing & Applied Psychology, Bryant University, Rhode Island. Ishika says, "Pathways helped me become an all rounded individual by offering us a plethora of opportunities & also helped us to explore our talents & interests". Hear more from Ishika here as she shares her journey. 
  • Arjun Prakash, Class of 2008 is the Founder of 'Pivot', a start up focusing on guiding the younger generation to make the right career choices. Higher education - BA in Economics, New York University. Arjun says, "Interacting with today's generation makes me believe that the country's future is very bright". Listen to Arjun here as he speaks about his experiences.
  • Abhilashaa Agarawal, Class of 2007 is currently working with a Financial Services Firm. Higher Education - BSc in Banking & Finance, London School of Economics & Political Science International Program. Abhilashaa says, "Pathways gave me the confidence to believe in myself & expanded my perception towards life, situations & people". For more about Abhilashaa, click here.
  • Jai Singh, Class of 2012 is a Captain with IndiGo. Higher education - BBA in Aviation Operations, UPES.In Jai's words, "At Pathways I learnt practical application of theory & this is of immense help to me in my professional life". Click here to read about Jai's experiences.
  • Pakhi Jain, Class of 2019 is interning with Quirk Brand Consultancy. Higher education - Graduate in Mass Media, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai. Pakhi says, "I cannot thank the Pathways faculty enough who ensured that I pursued my interests to my optimum potential". For more on Pakhi's experiences, click here.
  • Shubhankar Jaiswal, Class of 2017 is a Commercial Pilot License holder. Higher Education - Diploma in Commercial Pilot License from Airways Aviation, Australia. Shubhankar says, "I am grateful to my Residence Parents who made me comfortable when I was an anxious new student at Pathways". To read more about Shubhankar, click here.
  • Megha Jain, Class of 2019 is currently working as a Marketing Graduate with Rentokil Initial. Higher education - Graduate in International Business from Loughborough University. Megha says, "At Pathways I was fortunate to get an open environment, ample opportunities & freedom to express my opinions". For more about Megha, read here.
  • Sayuj Malla, Class of 2012 is currently working as a Global Account Representative with Amazon Web Services, Texas. Higher Education - BSc in Business Management & Economics from University of Sussex. Sayuj says, "The credit of helping me channelize my high energy levels productively, including gaining fluency in 4 languages, goes entirely to the PWS teaching staff & my Residence Parents". For more about Sayuj, read here.
  • Karishmma Advani, Class of 2007 is a Co-Founder of Effy (digital system of accounting & payment tracking) & a Career Counsellor. Higher Education - BA in Economics & Biological Basis of Behaviour from University of Pennsylvania. Karishmma says, "Pathways gave me the confidence to try my hand at different things before making the right career choice". To learn more on Karishmma's journey, click here.


We will share the journeys of a few more talented PWS Alumni in our next edition.

Follow our alumni on the Instagram handle by clicking here.

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