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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



Times have changed. Most of the adults of today grew up in a traditional educational model where choices were streamlined. One inevitably chose between the Science, Commerce or Humanities Stream. This left little room for personal creativity, innovation, inquiry, self-discovery and out-of-the-box thinking.

Whereas, students today like to create their own streams with an amalgamation of varied skills, interests and passions. Rightly so, exposure to interdisciplinary education from an early age nowadays is imperative with the plethora of career options available. Dramatic shifts in availability and use of technology has determined this.

It is no longer enough to just gather knowledge. Finding meaning in it and learning how to apply it effectively carry much greater relevance for the current generation of learners.

The International Baccalaureate IB Program at Pathways Schools encourage students to choose subjects from an array of subject groups which beautifully transcends cross-curricular education. Apart from the conventional subject offerings, Pathways also offers subjects such as Global Politics, World Religions, Psychology, Design & Technology, Dance and Theatre, amongst others. This flexibility and encouragement to explore beyond established subject streams allow students to align their subject choices with their passions, skills and potential career options.

Many conservative thinkers might assume that combinations such as Art and Business Management or Music and Math are not compatible; it is far from the truth. People with a Degree in Arts are taking Business Courses to successfully set up their own Design Firms, and Software Engineers who love music are creating algorithmic and AI-generated music which is essentially changing the way we produce and experience music. Creative minds enjoy and thrive on multi-tasking.

“Increasing number of youngsters aspire for independence and leadership roles. At Pathways, students are encouraged to go beyond knowledge domains in different subjects and foster enhanced learning. This mental flexibility prepares students to become lifelong learners and be competent to deal with unknown and unpredictable situations says Dr. Sarvesh Naidu, Executive Director, Pathways Group of Schools.

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