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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



"The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow" - Edward Teller

On Thursday, 26th April 2018, the students of Grade 7 showcased their knowledge of two subjects: Product Design and Science, at the IDU exhibition, 'Anugoonj'. The inauguration of the event was marked by the cutting of the ceremonial ribbon by the Science Coordinator (MYP) Ms. Sheeba Kundu and HoD, D&T Mr. Christopher Donnan. The guests and teachers were warmly welcomed by the students and were briefed about the concept and purpose of an Inter-Disciplinary Unit.

Interdisciplinary learning helps students to understand bodies of knowledge from two or more disciplines or subject groups, to integrate them and create new understanding. Students demonstrated their interdisciplinary understanding by bringing together concepts, tools and methods from the fields of Science and Product Design to create a working machine or prototype to exhibit their classroom learning.

As the exhibition was declared open, the students unleashed their creativity and enthusiasm. Every student had put in immense efforts and all of them were eagerly positioned with their gadgets at their stations. The walkway outside the Middle School buildings was decked up with all the Grade 7 projects and thought-provoking science games! It was a platform for the young innovators to display their various products like Candy Dispensers, H2O Teleporter, Room Organisers, Irrigation Systems, Catapults, Dog Feeders, Litter Pickers, Automated Alarms, Salad Bar Carousels, etc!

The students also showcased their journals which marked out the entire process of their learning. The students presented their work with poise and zeal.

The interaction amongst students and teachers was deeply engaging. This event reminded all the students that we are truly IB learners in the making. The cross questioning and inquisitive minds of their teachers and fellow students kept the Grade 7 students on their toes through the entire event. This year's 'Anugoonj' was a fabulous quest into the depths of learning, diving into every aspect of Science and polishing our work using knowledge of Product Design.

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