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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On 30th January 2023, the entire school busied itself in the annual sports meet. Through a noteworthy effort by the sports department, the annual sports meet was conducted with heaps of success. The annual sports meet was held in continuation of the athletics meet held on 23rd November 2022 wherein the events that took place included the high-jump, long-jump, shot put, and an 800m race.

The sports meet was graced by the presence of the PYP principal, Ms. Monica Bhimwal, the MYP principal, Ms. Monika Bajaj, and the DP principal, Ms. Manjula Shenoi. Additionally, the Dean of Residences & Student Enrichment, Mr. Saurav Sinha, the Director, Ms. Sonya Ghandy Mehta, and the General manager, Lt Col Rajiv Saxena honored the meet with their presence as well.  

As the dim weather sauntered away languidly and the sun began to carpet the field, the athletics meet between the four houses: Air, Earth, Water, and Fire, began with an exemplary march past by primary and secondary school. Following this march past was another one conducted by the equestrians of our school with charming horses who galloped with grace and cheer. Subsequent to the march past was an exceptional demonstration by the gymnastics team. With cartwheels and balance, the gymnasts ended their performance and Ms. Sonya Ghandy Mehta officially declared the sports meet open.

The events included 50m, 100m, 200m, and 4 x 100m relay races for PYP, MYP, and DP. Not only did students race across the tracks; but teachers presented their multifaceted nature and participated in 100m races as well. An unforgettable event was the teacher-student mix relay in which 2 teachers and 2 students were chosen to partake in the relay. The event demonstrated excellent camaraderie between students and teachers and was an indelible moment of affinity where all were brought together by the essence of sports. Alongside the events continued the jovial cheers of different houses for their respective participants, sculpting an atmosphere of resilience amidst those dashing in the tracks. 

An air of healthy competition drifted comfortably as event after event took place which brought many to the glorious positions of gold, silver, and bronze and ended the day on a merry note.

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