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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



From the 21st of September to the 24th of September 2021, several students from MYP and DP participated in the PWS-AFS debates 2021 alongside 19 participating schools, engaging in compelling discourse and honing their rhetoric.

Throughout the event, the debates took place in the modified Cambridge format. Just after the opening ceremony on the 21st, 16 participating teams were given debate topics for the first preliminary round.

Contesting “tradition stalls progress,” PWS Team A (Shrey Sharma of DP2, Arnav Aggarwal of DP1, Kaashvi Khurana of MYP5, and Ram Goyal of DP2) and 7 other teams won this round. 2 out of 4 teams qualified for the quarter-finals post the second preliminary round on the 22nd.

There were 5 debates scheduled for the Quarter Finals. PWS Team A competed with Yadavindra Public School on the motion “creative expression should have unlimited freedom.” PWS Team A won the debate and Kaashvi Khurana (MYP5) was recognized as the best speaker.

The semi-finals took place on the 23rd with 4 participating schools, including Pathways World School (Team A), Sunbeam School Lahartara, Jodhamal Public School (Jammu), and the Doon School (Dehradun). In the first semi-final round, Jodhamal Public School competed with the Doon School, with Jodhamal Public School emerging victorious and proceeding to the finals.

The second semi-final was between Pathways World School (Team A) and Sunbeam School Lahartara. The motion for this debate was ‘the Indian Legal System is for the privileged.’ PWS Team A emerged as the winner, while the best speaker was awarded to Kaashvi Khurana of MYP 5 and the most promising speaker was awarded to Shrey Sharma of DP 2.

The Finals took place on the 24th of September between Pathways World School, Aravali and Jodhamal Public School, Jammu. The motion presented to both the teams was ‘the Indian youth is in need of conscription.’ The judges for the finals were Major Vikas Yadav, Major Kunal Kuttappa and Anmol Amar Singh, all with immense knowledge about the Indian Army. Pathways World School won the debate, as Arnav Aggarwal was named the best speaker.

The PWS-AFS debates were concluded as Ms Divya Arora, National Director - AFS Intercultural Program, India, announced the results of the finals. Conclusively, the PWS-AFS debates provided an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge about varied fields and hone their public speaking skills. The newly-inaugurated DEBSOC encourages other students to engage in such events as well.


Quarter-Finals [PWS vs Yadavindra Public School] - (PWS WON); Best Speaker - Kaashvi Khurana (MYP 5)

Semi-Finals [Sunbeam L vs PWS] : (PWS WON): Best Speaker- Kaashvi Khurana (MYP 5); Most Promising- Shrey Sharma (DP 2)

Finals [Jodhamal Public School Vs PWS]: (PWS WON); Best Speaker - Arnav Aggarwal (DP 1)

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