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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The Children’s Day celebrations in Pathways World School, Gurgaon took place on 27th November 2020, where all the students watched a video online which was created and collaborated by teachers.

The video consisted of various dance, music, and drama performances. There were inspiring messages by teachers, wishing students ‘A Happy Children’s Day’, ‘All the Best’ for the future, and advising them to make the most of their childhood.

The dance and music performances were very captivating and enthralling to watch. For the musical performances, the teachers played instruments and sang the songs ‘You Are My Sunshine’ by Johnny Cash as well as a self-composed song titled ‘Life.’

Apart from this, there was an interesting, fun, and relatable drama performance. During the drama performance, the teachers took the role of different social media applications like Instagram, Wizemen and Wi-fi that students use in their daily lives, as well as games like PUBG. From self-composed songs to energetic dance performances to drama role plays, the teachers kept students fully engaged throughout the celebration.

The video created by teachers was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by each one of the students. The students thanked all the teachers, for making this Children’s Day a memorable one.

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