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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



On Wednesday, 14th October 2020, 5 students from MYP 3 and 4 participated Postcard Session hosted by The Shri Ram School, Aravali. The theme for this event was festivals from around the world. As is rightly said, ‘nothing brings people together as festivals do’, students from different parts of the countries came together to celebrate the uniqueness of their festivals through this session.

Through online Zoom session, various distinct festivals and customary traditions from all over India were discussed at length. Festivals play a pivotal role in building a national identity, and most importantly, bring people together from all walks of life, where cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds cease to exist. It was fascinating to see the amount of diversity in the presentation put together by various Schools, almost as if each state was a country of its own.

Students talked about festivals from North, East, West and South of India – people might be pleasantly surprised to find the extent to which celebrations take place across the country!

Ultimately, humans are born to connect and cooperate, and there’s no greater joy than in coming together and celebrating the festivals. It helps everyone find a reason to commemorate diversities in order to build a stronger community.

All in all, the event was extremely well-organized, especially in the way all the schools were introduced and how they each presented. This entire event gave everyone one more reason to feel proud to be an Indian.

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