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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



The students of Pathways World School, across PYP, MYP and DP, officially launched the Climate Action Project on 25th September 2020 to embark into a 6 week collaborative journey to understand the impacts of climate change and to think of possible solutions to combat them.

The Climate Action Project aims to change students' behaviour and societies' mindset concerning climate change and environmental threats through education. It is in collaboration with WWF and NASA, and endorsed by Jane Goodall, President Higgins, Kumi Naidoo, scientists and public figures. During the six weeks, the students will brainstorm, explore, create, discuss and share their findings online. They will collaborate with their peers globally and try to solve problems and take action.

Pathways World School in collaboration with the Climate Action Project celebrated the Global Sustainable Development Goals Day & Global Day of Climate Change on 25th September. The students watched an inspirational video to get them thinking about Climate Change and why is there a need to talk about it in the present hour.

This was followed by discussions in Form Groups where students shared their initial thoughts on the issue. Students then watched another video created by the PWS Staff to inspire the students to come up with their own slogan for Climate Change. Each form group across the three programmes, brainstormed to create one slogan for their group and called it out together with gusto.

With fruitful discussions informative sessions already in motion, all students are charged up to fight the climate crisis through their participation in the Climate Action Project 2020. They look forward to the journey ahead.

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