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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.



'Peace Walk' @ PWS

What is Peace?

Is it harmonious well-being or a lack of conflict? Each year, 21st of September is commemorated as the International Day of Peace where we, unanimously open doors to fortify the ideals of peace - 'Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World'. In the morning hours of a warm September morning, the whole Pathways Community assembled to rebreathe life into its yearly tradition. Pathwaysians were synonymous with 'Peace Walkers' as we honoured the day with a walk which entailed the entire school from the Early Years to the Senior School.

The quiet march on the main field was well adjoined with the comforting sound of the mindfulness bell. Further, the mellifluous rendition of the Peace Song - 'Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World' (a song composed and recorded by our own students & teachers) stimulated each soul. The demure, inspiring melody fused verses sung in five different languages, including English, Spanish, French and Hindi and provided a spiritual ambience to the place.

The title of the song was taken from a profound quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, a monk, whose devotees have personally visited the PWS campus time and again throughout the years. 'Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World' proposes that for Global Peace to be accomplished, we should first attain inner peace; 'peace in oneself'.

Students, teachers and support staff seated themselves in concentric circles to extend positive vibrations into the universe as one empathetic community. To create the framework for the atmosphere, several white paper doves (a symbol of peace) carrying olive branches in their beaks appeared all over the school a few days before the ceremony.

Watching the flag bearers was indeed a sight to behold; they were students who truly represented the messages they displayed on their flags- such as 'Born Human, Be Human, Every Step for Humanity'. All students followed the course and portrayed an individual sense of tranquillity to be followed for years to come.

We are filled with gratitude for our fellow Pathwaysians who grandly rose to the occasion with each step taken for a harmonious peace walk. We are appreciative of Dr. Pathma Naidu, Head of Well-Being, who led the event and inspired us to contribute towards humanity – being as one, yet being unique. As we unfurled, we pledged that we can only be bigger and better.

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