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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.


The Pathways Community of educators came together at the Pathways Learning Fest to share with and learn from colleagues.

The theme 'Chrysalis' beautifully represents the transformative journey in education. Chrysalis refers to that stage in the life cycle of the butterfly, when inside a seemingly dormant pupa (chrysalis), massive changes are occurring. This is a stage that holds possibilities and optimism; the splendid butterfly - elegant and colourful will soon break out of the chrysalis. The Chrysalis symbolises transformation and rebirth. It symbolises struggle and the ability to destroy what was once there and yet emerge as something beautiful.

We explored this theme through masterclasses and dialogues, reimagining education in innovative ways. It was an honour to have the leading political scientist and author, Mr. Nalin Mehta as our chief guest for the event. The event was an incredible success, thanks to the dedication, precision, and collaboration of all involved.