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Pathways World School Gurgaon

Flagship Campus of Pathways Schools.
Consistently Ranked #1 Top International Day cum Boarding School in Delhi, Gurgaon & India.


The world today is facing unprecedented challenges - social, economic, and environmental! Nevertheless, there are myriad new opportunities and avenues opening too. The children entering education in 2021 will be young adults in 2032. The sense of disequilibrium that we face today as Schools and a Community has compelled us to redesign environments to build new pathwavs of learning that foster resilience, adaptability, and creativity. Change has nudged us to shift focus to the windscreen from the rear view for us to continue to reimagine, rebuild and reframe to keep pace with the accelerating change.

Education 2.0 is the springboard and the School Motto - Learn • Work • Plav • Think • LIVE are the pillars that will prepare our students to accomplish their leaning milestones with a leap in efficiency, innovation, autonomy for them to soar like the falcon into the distant future with passion and power or body, mind, and spirit.

This year, Prof Stephen Heppell has come on board for the keynote address to the Pathways Community and he will speaking on ‘developing an entrepreneurial mindset in students & on effective ways to enhance learning by examining & improving our Learning Spaces’.

Let's come together as a Pathways Learning Community to navigate through our joys and successes and to reimagine and co-create new learning terrains!